
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Dropletmaker

We made a story Yesterday
i never used the planing things so here is the short

My story + can i have some feed back Thx :D
Bobby is in a plane flying around a desert where The Big Puddle was. Bobby is from a town in the desert. Bobby is looking for a cloud to test his rainmaker on. when out of the corner of his eye he sees a light house pointing to one. So he fly toward the cloud and his plane was almost out of gas
he is almost there! But then the plane stops it has run out of fuel so now he is gliding! Bobby still thinks he can make it so he screams out the plane window Haaaaaaa Help me I'M SCARED RHRHRH HELP ME but then the plane starts diving and diving and he kinda stops falling then the plane slows down a bit it fixed itself!! And the air conditioning fix itself now cold air is blowing in the cockpit. What's that node that's making now?
Then the Plane Goes Straight into the town. And Nothing happens O and  it all just blew up. except for the cloud it started raining 1 droplet of water It was a Success It's enough water to evaporate 3 seconds after it fell down and it's Disappeared well maybe it was a fail. But at least it made some water?
What's that in the corner a Water fountain Does it work? Wow it does well it turns out we don't have to do all that… *Something Blowing up stock sound effect* OK now we have no water We're all gonna DIE!!!??!!?!?!?!?!? o Nope we have a truck filled with water never mind people it's alright we're not gonna die!


  1. What a good story. Need to keep a lookout for where those full stops go. I like the idea of the plain fixing its self. That would be a really good trick :-)
    You could develop this story a lot too. Would love to hear what would have happened if Boddy could have made rain. I suspect that it would have been looooots of rain and then we would have had a flood :-|
    Good work.


  2. I like that you have lots of writing


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